=== FAQ === 1. Why this library? A. The intention behind developing this library is to have a set of python components that can execute the preprocessing and solver stages of OpenFoam, such that they can be easily integrated with a 3D graphics package to develop a GUI for these stages. Thus one of the important design constraint is that library be GUI agnostic! 2. Does this currently work with any 3D graphics package? A. Yes, currently there is a reference implementation for integrating with a 3D graphics package using Blender. There exists a `Blender add-on`_, that uses this library to start openfoam, generate a blockMesh and run a solver. You can checkout this add on here. You can also run this Blender add-on with this `Docker image on Ubuntu`_. 3. What is the current state of this library? A. This library right now supports blockMesh and executing any solver which works with a mesh generated by blockMesh. 4. What mesh generators does it support? A. Currently, blockMesh is supported. More, including snappyHexMesh will be added in upcoming versions. 5. Is this cross-platform? A. Currently, it supports macOS and linux platforms. However the Docker image runs only on Linux (tested on Ubuntu) and can work with macOS if you can share the mac host X11. The Windows platform has not been tested. The final version will support all of Linux, macOS and Windows. 6. Do I need to install openfoam4? A. Yes, you need to install openfoam4 for this library to work, it is a dependency. See :ref:`prerequisites-label` for installing openfoam4. .. _Blender add-on: https://github.com/dmsurti/reynolds-blender .. _Docker image on Ubuntu: https://github.com/dmsurti/reynolds-docker